I created The Latino Reporter blog in 2004 to help me focus on journalism. When I began immersing myself into the world of nut graphs, column inches, and inverted pyramids, this blog helped me understand journalism's particular style of writing. I learned many lessons but the most important: listen to my writer's voice.
While exploring journalism as a student, I uncovered a scandal that toppled my college president. I earned several national and state awards including the First Amendment award from the Society of Professional Journalists.
I could (and just might) write a book on how journalism changed my life and my campus.
In the last few years as I shifted my brand from The Latino Reporter to TrustMiguel, my writing skills expanded (as has my waistline). It took time but I'm as comfortable writing poetry and fiction as I am a writing a news story or an editorial -- and I'm just as proud.
Since I'm still learning about this new non-journalism world, it only seems right to resurrect this blog to help me process once again. Like an old college buddy, it only took moments to reconnect but it's clear that we've both changed. The challenge is not to stay mired in the past but to build on it.
The Latino Reporter is now The Latino Writer, part of the TrustMiguel brand. I'll tell you more about that later ...