From a campus press release:

The paper also won 19 individual awards.
Morales has worked as reporter, writing coach and editor-in-chief for The Ledger.
“I always knew one person could make a difference. It’s encouraging to know that sometimes that one person gets recognition,” Morales said.
In addition to Journalist of the Year for two-year schools in Kansas, for which he won a plaque and $250, Morales also won five individual awards.
Writers from The Ledger swept the feature category as the paper won first, second and third place. The Ledger received a bronze medal in the overall category. Other individual winners include:
- Second Place – Miguel Morales, feature writing and headline writing Kevin Mimms, editorial writing
- Third Place – Miguel Morales, feature writing; Joshua Seiden, sports column writing; Dane Talley, news writing
- Honorable Mention – Miguel Morales, editorial writing;Lisa Ash, single ad design; Robert Heishman, news photography; Kevin Mimms, sports feature writing; Shanxi Upsdell, column writing; Aaron Whitebread, sports column writing