Beginning with summer 2008, the credit class schedule will be split into two different pieces. One piece is a "just in time" schedule of classes only. The inside cover will have steps on how to enroll on EASI and the back inside cover will have steps to pay online through EASI. Other than that, it is simply a listing of classes offered for that semester. The listing of classes will be reprinted as needed with a print date on the cover. Each printing will include only the classes that are open at the time of printing. The current, up-to-the-minute credit class search (schedule) is available online and is by far the best resource in searching for available classes.
The second piece is the credit enrollment guide. This will be available in print and online. Basically, it will be the first eight pages of the current credit schedule. The calendar and deadline dates will be printed as well as a piece entitled "How to Become a JCCC Student" followed by more in depth information.
Streamlining credit enrollment and payment information in an easier format is the goal. This is a work in progress and will be evolving as we continue to review and refine. This has been a collaborative project among areas within Student Services, Instruction, Finance, IT and College Information.
The online summer credit enrollment guide, the printed summer credit enrollment guide and the summer credit class search (schedule) will be available beginning March 3.