JCCC Aims to Please
An e-mail has surfaced requesting employees of Johnson County Community College contribute funds to purchase a gun as a going away gift for departing employee.
According to the Sept. 2 e-mail, Wayne Brown, executive vice president of administration requested a gun as a going away gift. It is similar to the guns recently acquired for the campus police force, which Brown was instrumental in creating.
The e-mail comes from Debbie Ross, an administrative assistant and Randy Garcia, sergeant of the newly formed JCCC police force.
From: Donna Wallace
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 5:09 PM
To: (recipients names have been omitted by the editor)
Subject: A message from Randy Garcia and Debbie Ross
As a going away present for Dr. Brown he has expressed an interest in a handgun similar to what the College officer's now carry. He was very instrumental in our Department purchasing our Glocks. We have been in contact with OMB guns and they have agreed to sell a handgun to Dr. Brown at their Department price. He receives a discount from OMB due to his retired military status. Contributions from our department have netted approximately half the price for the handgun.
We were wondering if your department would be interested in participating. If you or others in your area would like to be a part of this gift, please let us know. We will need to have the amount gathered by Friday afternoon so a gift certificate can be purchased.
We have a small window of opportunity to give this nice personal gift, but our time is limited. Since Dr. Brown's last day is Monday our donations from both areas will need to be collected within the next three days.
We apologize for the short notice but we were unaware in the change of his plans to leave earlier.
Please contact myself or Debbie Ross for any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your help and assistance,
Randy and Debbie