An Offer She Couldn't Refuse
Representative Dennis Moore (D-Kan.), a former JCCC trustee, and Virginia Krebs celebrate her 87th birthday at the college in 2006.
JCCC names Virginia Krebs, the college's first employee, it's first Trustee Emeritus
JCCC names Virginia Krebs, the college's first employee, it's first Trustee Emeritus
Last night Johnson County Community College trustees unanimously voted to grant former trustee, Virginia Krebs, Trustee Emeritus status.
"To me, Virginia is a lady of vision," said Shirley Brown-VanArsdale, board chair.
Brown-VanArsdale said Krebs approached her at the end of the board meeting last month, took her hand and said, " I'm really ready. I'm ready to retire."
Before the vote, trustees heard from representatives of the Faculty Association and the college's administration urging them to inaugurate the new position by selecting Krebs the first to hold the title, Trustee Emeritus.
"She's helped build a foundation for what the college is," said Mike Martin, president of the Faculty Association. "We hold her up in high honor and we request that you do as well."
"It seems fitting that as we celebrate our 40th anniversary that we also honor one who has been an integral part of Johnson County Community College for more than 40 years," said Jerry Baird, executive vice president, Administrative Services.
"As the newest member of the board, I was only privileged to serve with Virginia for one year," said Don Weiss, trustee. "I don't often have a brush with greatness but serving with her was certainly one of those."
Jon Steward, trustee, recalled working with Krebs in the college's alumni association. Stewart said he was grateful to not only serve with her as a trustee but that he had the opportunity to know her before he was seated on the board.
"Her passion, commitment and dedication to this college is amazing and will probably go unmatched," he said.
"She recognized the role that a single citizen can play in improving their community," said Lynn Mitchelson, trustee and vice chair.
Krebs served as trustee for six consecutive terms numbering over 23 years of service on the board.
WATCH the video from the board meeting here.
According to college policy 116.00, the position allows a former trustee to continue serving the college.
"Trustees are welcomed and encouraged to continue participating in college activities and will be provided invitations to special college activities and events," the policy reads.
However, the policy does not specify the extent to which a trustee emeritus may participate in board activities.
The board created the emeritus position in April. Early in the creation of the position, Benjamin Hodge, trustee, voiced concerns that the emeritus title could be used to reward cronies rather than individuals who served the college. The board adopted a provision that requires all acting trustees must vote unanimously in favor for an individual nominated to the position in order for the emeritus status to be granted.
The board also met in executive session to create a time line for appointing an interim trustee.
- Candidates must submit applications by Nov. 10.
- Trustees will select finalists Nov. 12.
- Trustees will interview finalists at their monthly board meeting Nov. 20.
- Trustees will seat an interim trustee at their monthly meeting Dec. 12.
DOWNLOAD the trustee application here.
*Krebs' letter of resignation (as read by Brown-VanArsdale):
Please accept this letter as my official notice of resignation from the Johnson County Community Board of Trustees [sic] effective September 25, 2008.
I have greatly enjoyed my involvement with the college over the last 40 years and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with so many wonderful people. Thank you for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me during my time at JCCC.
Even though I will miss my colleagues and and the college, I know the college is in good hands and the future of JCC [sic] is very bright.
Virginia Krebs
**Trustee meeting summary (posted to the Johnson County Community College electronic mail server, Infolist):
The JCCC board of trustees met for their regular monthly meeting Oct. 16.
Trustee emeritusMike Martin, president of the Faculty Association, asked the board to honor long-time trustee Virginia Krebs, who has resigned from the board. Dr. Jerry Baird, executive vice president, Administrative Services, made the same request on behalf of the administration. The board voted to accept Mrs. Krebs’ resignation and to distinguish her as the first trustee emeritus. Trustee emeritus status may be granted to a former trustee who has demonstrated significant contributions to the college and the community as a trustee.Awards and recognition· Penny Shaffer, program director, Health and Human Services, was recognized for the $25,000 grant she received to fund a new advanced dementia care certificate program. The grant is from the International Longevity Center under the 2008 Community College Caregiver Training Initiative, funded by MetLife Foundation. The new 30-hour program will train family caregivers and in-home care workers to provide long-term home care services to older adults with cognitive deficits due to Alzheimer’s, dementia or stroke.· Sara McElhenney and Claire Ehney from the Hiersteiner Child Development Center were also recognized. The center is one of the first early childhood programs to earn accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children – the nation’s leading organization of early childhood professionals.· Members of the Marketing Communications staff were honored for awards they received from District V of the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations. The awards received were gold, Stacy Boline and Ian Nance (poster series, related – International Homestay series); silver, Melanie Tull (poster series, related – 08-09 performing arts season) and Tim Barnhart and Peggy Graham (newsletter – Places) and bronze, Randy Breeden (special events – Master Chef series), Peggy Graham and Randy Breeden (magazine – People and Places at JCCC), and Bret Gustafson (color photo – Up and Under). Tyler Cundith was also recognized for 13 awards he received from the College Sports Information Directors Association, including five sports publications judged best in the nation. This year, JCCC was tied with Texas A&M for fourth overall in the country for sports publications awards, behind UCLA, Kentucky and Oklahoma.Actions taken· The board approved new courses in animation and practical nursing , course fee changes for the certified nurse aide program, an articulation agreement with Missouri University of Science and Technology and modifications to the content of the practical nursing program.· The board approved the college’s participation in the Kansas Debt Setoff Program, which will enhance the collection of unpaid student accounts.· The board approved a resolution authorizing signatories for fiscal year 2009 for a depository account for student loan payments with U.S. Bank. This account will function as a clearing account, with the balance being transferred monthly to the college’s main depository account at First National Bank of Olathe.· The board agreed to renew the volume purchase agreement with Dell Computers for one year. The college benefits from the agreement through competitive pricing, decreased administrative and technical support, and reduced warehouse and storage requirements.· The board approved hiring Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Inc. to provide energy auditing services in an amount not to exceed $100,000. The audit will look at how the college can improve energy efficiency on campus, enhance building environmental controls, develop the implementation of sustainable operational practices, recognize LEED existing building certification opportunities and identify renewable technology demonstration practices.· The board approved the purchase from Verizon Select Services Inc. for a call pilot system and the first year’s maintenance on the telephone switch at a cost of $194,873.46. This system will replace the current Meridian voice mail system that has reached the end of its useful life. The initial term of the contract for maintenance will be from Dec. 12, 2008, through Nov. 12, 2009. The contract is renewable for three additional years in one-year increments, upon the approval of both parties.· The board approved the purchase from Blackboard Inc. of a one-card system at a cost not to exceed $85,489. The system will enable the college to issue cards to students, faculty and staff that can be used for identification purposes as well as financial transactions for areas such as the bookstore and dining services. It is anticipated that additional banking functionality may be added to this program in the future by contracting with a financial institution as a result of a separate competitive bidding process.· The board approved the purchase of seven trucks for Campus Services from Midway Ford Truck Center at a cost of $139,297.16.· The board approved the purchase of Adobe software and maintenance from En Pointe Technologies at a cost of $72,577.88 for use in computer labs and offices.· The board approved the annual renewal of contracts for lamps with Voss Electric and Light Bulbs, Etc., for an annual expenditure not to exceed $80,000.· The board approved the purchase from Infolink Consulting of implementation services for Cognos report-writing software at a cost of $50,903.· The board also approved the purchase of two spectrometers for chemistry classes, track equipment, theatre equipment for Yardley Hall and Polsky Theatre, theater audio equipment, carpet for ATB and ITC, and theater lamps.Trustee search processThe board discussed the search for new trustee during a workshop following the regular meeting. The board invites interested persons to fill Krebs’ vacancy and will announce the position in local newspapers. Persons interested in the position are asked to submit an application and a resume to the office of the president, Johnson County Community College, Attn: Dorothy Friedrich, vice president, policy and strategic initiatives. Applications may be picked up in the office of the president, room 112 of the General Education Building, and may also be found online at (Internal note: The application will be posted Friday morning.)Applications to fill Krebs’ vacancy on the JCCC board of trustees will be accepted until 5 p.m. Nov. 10.The board will review the applications and narrow them to a list of final candidates at a special meeting scheduled for 5 p.m. Nov. 12.The trustees will start their regular November meeting early on Nov. 20, at 4 p.m., to be followed by interviews with the candidates at 6 p.m.The successful candidate will be seated at the regular monthly meeting Dec. 11.The applicant chosen by the board will serve the remainder of Krebs’ term, which expires June 30, 2009.WorkshopAt the workshop following the regular meeting, the board also covered these topics:
- A resolution regarding the addition of a seventh member to the board will be on the agenda for the November meeting.
- The board also discussed facilities, including the proposed addition to the Library. The board met in executive session for 30 minutes to discuss matters related to real property and attorney-client privilege.
Next meetingThe next meeting of the JCCC board of trustees is at 5 p.m. Nov. 20 in the Hugh W. Speer Board Room, 137 GEB. Board of trustee meetings are open to the public. For more details, see a copy of the board packet at